Department of Immunology

January 18, 2025

ITI Postdoctoral Fellowship Program Now Accepting Applications

The Institute for Translational Immunology (ITI) Postdoctoral Fellowship Program is now accepting applications!

The ITI Postdoctoral Fellowship is a two-year funding opportunity for postdoctoral researchers working in ITI-affiliated laboratories.

Program overview: In addition to their research, ITI postdoctoral fellows participate in structured career development in either Translational Entrepreneurship (industry-focused) or Translational Discovery (academia-focused) training. Fellows conduct research in an ITI-affiliated laboratory and will connect with mentors and fellow trainees across ITI through coursework and seminars tailored to their own career interests.

Financial support: The Fellowship will provide funding for 50% of stipend and benefits (up to $39,000/year), $10,000/year in career development and research funds, and $2,500/year for travel and/or conference attendance.

Mentorship: Each ITI Fellow is supported in their training by a three-person mentorship team comprised of their Scientific mentor (postdoc mentor), a Collaborating mentor (preferably outside of the postdocs’ department), and in the second year of funding, pick a Networking mentor from industry or academia to aid with career progression.

ITI Fellows are expected to attend the ITI annual symposium each year and are encouraged to attend ITI-supported social gatherings and networking events. Click here to learn more about the program and the current ITI Fellows.

Applications are due by 5pm PST on March 17, 2025.