January 18, 2025
ITI Postdoctoral Fellowship Program Now Accepting Applications
The Institute for Translational Immunology (ITI) Postdoctoral Fellowship Program is now accepting applications!
The ITI Postdoctoral Fellowship is a two-year funding opportunity for postdoctoral researchers working in ITI-affiliated laboratories.
Program overview: In addition to their research, ITI postdoctoral fellows participate in structured career development in either Translational Entrepreneurship (industry-focused) or Translational Discovery (academia-focused) training. Fellows conduct research in an ITI-affiliated laboratory and will connect with mentors and fellow trainees across ITI through coursework and seminars tailored to their own career interests.
Financial support: The Fellowship will provide funding for 50% of stipend and benefits (up to $39,000/year), $10,000/year in career development and research funds, and $2,500/year for travel and/or conference attendance.
Mentorship: Each ITI Fellow is supported in their training by a three-person mentorship team comprised of their Scientific mentor (postdoc mentor), a Collaborating mentor (preferably outside of the postdocs’ department), and in the second year of funding, pick a Networking mentor from industry or academia to aid with career progression.
ITI Fellows are expected to attend the ITI annual symposium each year and are encouraged to attend ITI-supported social gatherings and networking events. Click here to learn more about the program and the current ITI Fellows.
Applications are due by 5pm PST on March 17, 2025.